Letter 5 - Sardis

  • We are not clear of the origin of the name
  • First place it was discovered to die wool into different colors
  • The city today is in ruins
  • City was originally built on a mountain
  • This is a church without deeds
  • The church has become comfortable with faith alone. Processing salvation but showing little effort in spreading it to others.
  • The whole purpose of works is to share the Gospel
  • White garments is when we receive the salvation
  • Nakedness means those unbelievers who have not come to faith.
  • Rev 19:7 says that bright clean linen represents righteous acts of the saints
    • Soiled garments represents the lack there of
  • Jesus confirms that even though they have no deeds, they will still make it to heaven
  • The book of life records every human being that has been saved.
    • The book and contents were set before the earth was created (Psalm 139:16, Rev 13:8)
    • People cannot be added or deleted from the book
    • The book contains the name of every person that is saved
  • Reformation church - 1517-1648 AD

Letter 6 - Philadelphia

  • Philadelphia means brotherly love
    • The kings love for his brother was so great (his brother was the previous king)
  •  Not a very big town
  • The city had frequent earthquakes
  • Key of David
    • Ezekiel - David’s job is to preside over the court of the temple and have a key to it.
    • Another way of saying that Jesus has the key of salvation
  • The model church for evangelism
  • Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two churches that received no condemnation from Jesus
    • They are both persecuted by Jews
  • Rev 3:10
    • Tells us that these letters are also talking about future events
  • Missionary Church 1648-1900 AD

Letter 7 - Laodicea

  • Laodicea means ruling of the people
  • Prosperous city
  • When the city got destroyed by an earthquake, it did not get help from the Roman Government because it had so much money
  • The city did not like to rely on anyone
  • They were known for banks, linen/wool, and they had a medical school
  • They had this eye salve that can cure people
  • Being spiritually named means you lack Christs atoning covering.
  • To be poor spiritually means you do not have faith or is not saved
  • Jesus says this church does not believe but the church says they everything they need
  • Jesus is claiming there are a lot of unbelievers mixing with unbelievers in this church which is causing all sorts of issues
  • The only church that not a single good thing is said about them
  • Jesus is inviting this church back to salvation
  • 1 Timothy 4:1-3 | 2 Timothy 3:1-5 | 2 Timothy 4:1-4
    • Talks about the Laodicea church
  • Apostate church 1900 AD - ?
