Examples followed
- Create an account and make note of user pass (david@gmail.com/PASS_GOES_HERE)
k3d cluster create mycluster
- k3d cluster create —agents 3 —volume /tmp/k3dvol:/tmp/k3dvol
- test.yaml casued a bunch of issues, not sure why???
- k3d cluster create —agents 3
- k3d cluster create multiserver —servers 3
- Multiserver cluster make use of etcd
- Single server nodes are not started with the —cluster-init flag and thus is not using the etcd backend
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/latest/download/cert-manager.yaml
- Note: you must have internet connection
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oracle/oracle-database-operator/main/oracle-database-operator.yaml
- You will get errors if you do not run the cert manager first
- Only see issues if I created ther cluster with test.yaml
kubectl create namespace oracle-namespace
kubectl config set-context —current —namespace=oracle-namespace
- Kubectl will now default to using the oracle–namespace
Kubernetes Secrets to store Database and Oracle Container Registry (OCR) credentials
- kubectl create secret generic admin-password \
- —from-literal=sidb-admin-password=‘PASS_GOES_HERE’ \
- -n oracle-namespace
- docker login container-registry.oracle.com
- User/pass from container-registry.oracle.com from step#1
- kubectl create secret generic regcred —from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json —type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson -n oracle-namespace
- Creates Kubernetes secret using OCR credentials
If you forgot password
- kubectl get secret/admin-password -n oracle-database-operator-system -o jsonpath=‘{.data}’ -n oracle-namespace
- echo ‘PASS_GOES_HERE’ | base64 —decode
- Replace ‘PASS_GOES_HERE’ with the results from step 8a
Touch singleinstancedatabase.yaml
- Template = https://github.com/oracle/oracle-database-operator/blob/main/config/samples/sidb/singleinstancedatabase.yaml
- name: sidb-oci
- namespace: oracle-namespace
- sid: XE (Express edition SID must only be XE)
- secretName: admin-password
- secretKey: sidb-admin-password
- keepSecret: false
- pullFrom: container-registry.oracle.com/database/express:21.3.0-xe
- pullSecrets: regcred
- xedition: express
- pdbName: XEPDB1 (Express edition SID must only be XE)
- flashBack: true
- archiveLog: true
- size: 20Gi
- storageClass: “manual”
- accessMode: “ReadWriteOnce”
- volumeName: “task-pv-volume”
- Add volume code below to the top of file
- Template = https://github.com/oracle/oracle-database-operator/blob/main/config/samples/sidb/singleinstancedatabase.yaml
- Touch xe_singleinstancedatabase.yaml
- Source = [https://github.com/oracle/oracle-database-operator/blob/main/config/samples/sidb/singleinstancedatabase_express.yaml](https://github.com/oracle/oracle-database-operator/blob/main/config/samples/sidb/singleinstancedatabase_express.yaml)
- namespace: oracle-namspace
- oracle_pwd: PASS_GOES_HERE
- size: 10Gi
- kubectl apply -f xe_singleinstancedatabase.yaml -n oracle-namespace
- How to check status of DB?
- List databases
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabases -o name -n oracle-namespace
- Database status
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase -n oracle-namespace
- Note: wait until it says healthy
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase -n oracle-namespace
- Database health
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.status}” -n oracle-namespace
- Database connection string
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.connectString}” -n oracle-namespace
- Database enterprise manager url
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.oemExpressUrl}” -n oracle-namespace
- SID name
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.sid}” -n oracle-namespace
- Pluggable Database Name (PDB)
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.pdbName}” -n oracle-namespace
- PDB Connection String
- kubectl get singleinstancedatabase sidb-oci -o “jsonpath={.status.pdbConnectString}” -n oracle-namespace
- Database details
- kubectl get pods -n oracle-namespace -o wide
- Note: the Oracle database host name is the pod name not the Kubernetes node.
- kubectl get pods -n oracle-namespace -o wide
- Database storage details
- kubectl get pvc -n oracle-namespace
- List databases
- Connect to DB
- kubectl exec -it pods/sidb-oci-7r5vz -n oracle-namespace — sqlplus system/PASS_GOES_HERE@XEPDB1
- kubectl exec -it pods/sidb-oci-o8qma -n oracle-namespace — sqlplus system/PASS_GOES_HERE@SIDB1