- Book Writer
- Video Lessons
- Notes
- 01/22/2020 - I write this while working for GDIT
“This goals is one of my favorites since ** I love to share information**. Ever since I started working, I always had people tell me not to share or make a task easier to do. They use to say this was for job security or say that I will just create more work for myself. But in reality, if I did not do this I would not have grown as much as I did. We need to strive to be better and writing things down and explaining it to others actually makes us much much better. If we are “experts” or really good at one task, why not teach someone else how to do it and then try to be an “expert” on a different task? If you never learn anything else but do an amazing job at one task, you will never grow. This also accelerates the growth of your peers and now everyone in the team is growing. This is a win win and all it takes is having the right mind set/perspective. I have also gone further and created documentation to teach others, excel, sql, powershell, python, and more recently created a study plan for those interested in getting Security+ certified. Sharing what I know is something I have been doing for a very long time and even though it does takes some practice, it can be very beneficial.”
- Did 1-on-1 tutoring for a guy named Bill in California
- Did 1-on-1 tutoring for another guy named tony williams in California
- Did 1-on-1 tutoring in Pandas with Khatereh in California, San Jose
- Did 1-on-1 tutoring for another guy in CA named Wunderman