Audience Behavior

  • For browsing the feed and interaction, mobile usage is high at 88%, compared to 12% for desktop/laptop.
  • For Mobile Users (65% of users):
    • Average session duration: 1.39 minutes
    • Monthly engagement time: 19 minutes
    • Average posts viewed per session: 14
  • For Desktop/Laptop Users (35% of visits):
    • Average session duration: 3.02 minutes
    • Monthly engagement time: 24 minutes
    • Average posts viewed per session: 11

Types of Posts

  • Text + Image Post
  • Document Post
  • Poll
  • Text Only Post
  • Video Post
  • Article
  • Newsletter
  • External Link

Reach - Company Pages

Content FormatX of median reach
External Video0.69x

Reach - Personal Pages

Content FormatX of median reach
Text + Image1.26x

Understanding Views and Impressions

  • Regular Post: Counts how often LinkedIn™ displays your post in your network’s timeline—a basic measure of reach.
  • Articles/Newsletters: Tracks the number of clicks on your article to open for reading, indicating reader engagement—a more reliable performance metric.
  • Native Video Content: Records the number of individuals who have viewed your video, either by clicking or through autoplay, for a minimum of six seconds—a metric indicative of high engagement.

Optimal Text + Single Image Post

  • Ideal Text Length: 900 - 1,200 characters.
  • Exceeding the ideal length by 300 characters leads to a 10% reduction in reach.
  • The choice of image is critical; opt for genuine, personally created photos over stock images.
  • More images increase reach, but it’s best to limit it to five.
  • Proper formatting can have a positive impact on both reach and engagement.
  • While timing can usually be flexible, it should correspond with the message’s intent.
  • These posts are best suited for storytelling and sharing infographics.

Optimal Text Only Post

  • Ideal text length is between 1,800 and 2,100 characters.
  • Avoid too brief content; posts under 1,000 characters typically see a 25% drop in reach.
  • Ensure a concise and clear structure.
  • Thoughtful formatting can positively influence reach and engagement.
  • Invest effort in crafting compelling hooks and conclusions.
  • There is no negative impact for posting multiple text-only posts in succession.
  • These posts are ideal for storytelling and sharing actionable tactics

Optimal Article Post

  • Ideal Text Length: 800 - 1,200 words
  • Formatting: use short paragraphs and headlines to make it scannable
  • Go for twice a month (or monthly) Frequency
  • Don’t overdo Rich Media, focus on one external source
  • Timing: publish your article on weekdays (Monday to Thursday)
  • Credibility - optimise for SEO and use hyperlinks
  • Share your article on other social networks and LinkedIn Communities


  • Post from Tuesdays to Thursdays and Saturdays for best engagement. Avoid Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Post Strategy

  • Picture quote

    • text question like “agree?”
    • text elaboration
    • hashtags
    • black/white background
  • Text only

    • add hash tags
    • add 3 spaces after first sentence so they have to click more…
  • Schedule

    • Mon - article
    • Tue - text
    • Wed - quote
    • Thu - text
    • Fri - quote
    • Sat/Sun - Friend Request until you hit the limit